Betsoft Launches Slot Games On New Shift Platform

Betsoft has formally introduced its new HTML5 platform Shift to masses of enthusiastic gaming fans who can’t wait to get ahold of new slots created on a platform being billed as, “the next generation platform” for slots. Betsoft is a well-known giant in the industry, so the next generation couldn’t have put itself in better hands. They’ve been a giant in 3D gaming for some time now but even the most enthusiastic Betsoft fan can admit that it was time for a switch. Shift is that switch.

What to look forward to

First things first: Slots! Betsoft has been the powerhouse behind some of today’s most enjoyable slot games online. You can expect that trend to continue in the future with their Shift platform. The biggest difference will be the improved graphics and animations from their new platform.

Who can use Shift

Shift will be available to all browsers, so even if you’re using an off-browser, Shift is going to work right with your browser without any plugins. This is very important for weary gamers who dread having to install browser slowing plugins every time they want to play a game. Shift doesn’t require any browser plugins.

Security is a huge point of the Shift platform as well. Betsoft’s platform will be more secure than ever before, making games play more smoothly away from the prying eyes of hackers who just love to ruin your favorite games with malicious programs. It’s a great way to thank fans for years of loyal gameplay.

Shift anxiously awaits appraisal

So much more is going to come out about Shift in the coming months, but you can bet that the majority of people are already giving it glowing reviews compared to today’s modern gaming platforms. Casino games have frequently suffered from tedious browser plugins, compatibility issues, and malicious software. Betsoft is paving a whole new road and reputation for online casino games, ushering in a new era of legitimacy that the gaming industry has needed to have for some time now. Betsoft is one of those companies that has truly contributed massive leaps and bounds to the iGaming evolution.

Graphics aren’t the only thing that gamers will appreciate about the Shift platform. Sites, sounds, smoothness of gameplay, and of course, smoother and better games created for the platform, are just a few of the great things that will accompany the introduction of Shift. For now, the gaming world is already loving the new Shift platform and enjoying its more reliable and gorgeous gameplay. Even casino games benefit greatly from improved graphics and 3D casino games will greatly benefit from Shift’s powerful platform.

Get ready for the next generation

So the great news is that it’s already here, but of course it’s going to take some time for games to catch up and be created for the new platform. For now, it’s a wait and see attitude among most gamers. As more Shift games are created, we can get a clearer picture of how the platform is going to drastically change the gaming landscape we love today. Gamers will certainly immediately respond to the better graphics, but what they always want more than anything else are great games that make it feel like you’re in a real-life casino and wagering real big bucks. High rollers will definitely anxiously await the best of those Shift games, and they are yet to be made.

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